Metal Earth: Star Wars - First Order Snowspeeder

Click to get Metal Earth Star Wars  First Order Snowspeeder Item ID: #28304
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The First Order Snowspeeder appears in the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie. These amazingly detailed do-it-yourself models start as 4 inch square steel sheets and finish as amazing 3D models. Use the easy to follow instructions to pop out the pieces, bend the tabs, and connect them at the attachment points.  No glue or solder needed! These speedy, versatile light utility vehicles are useful for a range of missions on the Starkiller Base and other frigid worlds. The First Order’s favored snowspeeder model is as simple as it is rugged: essentially a pair of seats, cargo platform, turbines and a deck-mounted repeating blaster. Each of the Star Wars Miniature Metal DIY Model Kits comes with two sheets of laser cut parts.  Collect your favorites!  A perfect gift for the STAR WARS fan! Includes: 2 Metal SheetsAssembled Size: 1.35" x 3.25" x 2.25" (3.42 x 8.25 x 5.71 cm)Difficulty: Moderate Ages: 14+ Click here to see a 360 degree view of the model.

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