Jesus Action Figure

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GI JOE: (into radio) We need air support! We need air support! They got us pinned down. Over. KEN: (on radio) Negative. All aircraft are locked in the toychest. Over. GI JOE: You don't understand. Captain Action took a direct hit. He's nothing but hinges and melted plastic. KEN: Get control of yourself, soldier! GI JOE: He's still clutching a picture of Barbie in his severed hand with the Kung Fu grip. KEN: I'm sorry, Joe. We can't help you. GI JOE: Then nobody can. There's no hope. VOICE: But there is hope, Joe. A warm glow fills the foxhole. GI Joe looks up, his face filled with amazement and wonder. GI JOE: You?! Why you're.... you're... THE JESUS ACTION FIGURE Yes, indeed, the Jesus Action Figure is here to bring hope and joy to a world that sorely needs it. Who said that toys have to be silly? We think they can be saintly, once in a while. This plastic figure stands 5" tall and has poseable arms and wheels in the base, so He can glide smoothly wherever He is needed. The figure comes packaged as shown, with biblical quotes on the back of the package. We all know that "Blessed are the peacemakers." But in this case, we think the Toymakers are pretty cool, too.

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